합격DB > TheThespian's 합격DB
Early Decision
테스트 스코어
SAT I: 1590 (800RW, 790M) Essay: 21 (7/6/8)
SAT Subjects: Literature (790), US History (720), Math II (760, didn’t send)
GPA (UW/W): 3.8 UW (pretty significant extenuating circumstances in 9th grade explained both by me and counselor. 3.97 UW excluding that year)
Also a Legacy to Brown through mother
Judge for play panel, school plays and musicals, major summer theatre programs, Direct plays and musicals, Assistant Stage Manager, Voice/Cello, Playwriting and Script Analysis Classes, JV Ultimate Frisbee, National Merit Finalist
후기 및 학교 선택 이유
Really, I just want to say that I recognize that I am very, very privileged. A lot of my success was earned— I self-studied for the SAT, I worked my ass of in school, I spent years building connections in my city’s theatre community— but I was ultimately set up for all of it from the start. The expectation has always been that I go to Brown. My mother’s not a big donor or anything, but the money she could’ve been funneling directly into the university was used to pay for my private school education and all of the other expensive-ass things I’ve been involved in that helped my application. I really have had just about every advantage, and I’m sure that if I had needed even more help, I would’ve gotten it. Don’t get me wrong, I do think I’m very smart and perfectly qualified for my place at Brown, but looking at some other people I know, I know that my path was kind of a walk in the park in comparison. 
댓글 (1)

Brown theatre program!!! So jealous

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